What is the meaning behind 1072 Studio?

The numbers 1072 are the last four digits in the house/landline phone number my mother had for 41 years.

I started with the name Carte Blanche Studios, which I really liked, but it didn’t stick. Then I changed it to Butter Cake Studios, which didn’t make any sense at all, especially when the Web Designer said it sounded like a site for cake recipes instead of books!

So, I went with a name that meant something to me, and I think having a home phone number for 41 years, is a big deal.

Writing is not something I do... It is who I Am.

About Me

author / artist

M. Johnson

I’ve just published my fifth book, The Boy King, Mother Queen, which is a middle-grade modern day fantasy. And I’m still working on my sci-fi slavery screenplay called, Paradigm of the Neoverse.  

What am I reading right now? I just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but with a stack of books on my list, I’m not sure what to read next. 

What am I watching right now? I just finished Gangs of London, Le Grande Maison Tokyo, and I’m in the second season of Call the Midwife.  

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Favorite Childhood Books

Favorite Books

the key to success

My Books

In Chapter One of Peach and Plum, the story opens with the season finale of the summer hit TV show, My Name is Cool. Mayfair is introduced, and her excitement of the twist of events in the season finale shocker, suddenly turns into a kitty cat panic attack. If you want to know why she has a sudden kitty-cat panic attack, and everything that happens in the season finale, go get a copy of Peach and Plum right NOW!!!!