The numbers 1072 are the last four digits in the house/landline phone number my mother had for 41 years.
I started with the name Carte Blanche Studios, which I really liked, but it didn’t stick. Then I changed it to Butter Cake Studios, which didn’t make any sense at all, especially when the Web Designer said it sounded like a site for cake recipes instead of books!
So, I went with a name that meant something to me, and I think having a home phone number for 41 years, is a big deal.
author / artist
I’ve just published my fifth book, The Boy King, Mother Queen, which is a middle-grade modern day fantasy. And I’m still working on my sci-fi slavery screenplay called, Paradigm of the Neoverse.
What am I reading right now? I just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but with a stack of books on my list, I’m not sure what to read next.
What am I watching right now? I just finished Gangs of London, Le Grande Maison Tokyo, and I’m in the second season of Call the Midwife.