The numbers 1072 are the last four digits in the house/landline phone number my mother had for 41 years.
I started with the name Carte Blanche Studios, which I really liked, but it didn’t stick. Then I changed it to Butter Cake Studios, which didn’t make any sense at all, especially when the Web Designer said it sounded like a site for cake recipes instead of books!
So, I went with a name that meant something to me, and I think having a home phone number for 41 years, is a big deal.
author / artist
I never imagined that I’d one day become a Children’s book author. Life has a way of aligning your gifts and talents to a better path, even when you think you’re already on the “right” path.
I’ve just published my fourth book (Why is there a Witch in my room, a Zombie in the shower, and a Ghost driving Mom’s car?), so what am I writing on now? The sequel to the Witch-Zombie-Ghost story, which might become a series.
What am I reading right now? A friend surprised me with a signed copy of Walter Mosley’s new book, Farewell, Amethystine, which is the latest book in the Easy Rawlins series. I should probably read the other sixteen books in the series first.
And what am I watching right now? Nothing. Just waiting for the new seasons of Outlander, Silo, Severance, The Handmaid’s Tale, and The Umbrella Academy. But maybe there’s something that will grab my attention while I wait.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the books I’ve written.